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  • In this one-hour, online class, you’ll learn the basics of managing diabetes during pregnancy, including why it’s important to manage sugars, recommended eating patterns to help control blood sugars and goals for blood sugar management. 

    The class is taught by Jennifer Lofy, a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator, or Lauren Zink, a registered dietitian. 

    Note: While the online class is a great fit for most people, one-on-one visits with a diabetes educator are also available for some individuals. Those with specific needs and/or obstacles to taking the online class — including very high blood sugar levels, preexisting health conditions, disabilities and/or if English isn’t their primary language — can ask a health care provider for a referral to the diabetes educator team. These individual classes are offered via telehealth and in person, depending on your needs and location.

    • price tag icon
      Free, Registration Required
  • The ReFresh program is a four-week nutrition education course designed to help you get on track with healthier eating, setting the groundwork for lifelong diet success. 

    ReFresh focuses on a whole-food, plant-based eating, which is scientifically proven to prevent, treat or even reverse chronic diseases. Learn the important role nutrition plays in optimizing health while receiving support as you make diet and lifestyle changes. 

    The ReFresh program is delivered with self-guided education modules and virtual classes. Each week, participants are assigned a nutrition education module (link provided after registration) and engage in a virtual 30-minute facilitated discussion with a registered dietitian via Microsoft Teams®. 

    During the program, you will also have access to our Carium app, which connects you to the course’s other participants and the facilitator for support.

    • price tag icon
      $49.00, Registration Required
  • Pivio, the complete health improvement program, addresses the root cause of chronic disease: lifestyle choices. Without any obligation to participate, attend this free information session to learn more about Pivio. 

    This interactive session features video and discussion with Pivio facilitators. You will get a comprehensive overview of the program cost, schedule, and participation requirements, while also learning how Pivio can help reduce or prevent chronic diseases - some that you may have or be at risk for. 

    Pivio takes a "whole health" approach, focusing on the 6-pillars of Lifestyle Medicine: plant-rich eating pattern, physical activity, healthy sleep, stress management, meaningful relationships, and avoidance of risky substances. 

    Attending an information session is highly recommended before registering for Pivio.

    • price tag icon
      Free, Registration Required